Sunday 9 December 2012

The Last Word…For Now

Our time in Phnom Penh is drawing to a speedy close!

Since our last blog, Logan completed his first half marathon fundraising for Hagar. The course was through the temples at Siem Reap. It was a fantastic experience (well, for me at least, I ran 10km) and Logan raised NZ$2,000 for Hagar. Thank you to everyone who supported Logan! I think it’s safe to say he won’t be running another half marathon for some time…

I have learned so much working in the legal and protection unit over the last two months. I have experienced the messy and difficult work we do at Hagar, often complicated by the fact that there is no functioning guardianship or child protection system in Cambodia. The hardest situations are when we have exhausted all options to keep a client safe but the parents won't work with us - we can’t demand that they do. There has been a recent law change providing a mechanism for parental rights to be suspended, and we intend to test this. And sometimes our clients themselves don’t want to stay at Hagar, they would rather take their chances on the street, sometimes lured by the money they can earn by selling their company or more. 

These struggles make the success stories so encouraging - we love hearing about the positive change clients experience at Hagar, clients going to University, seeing them lead as mentors for other clients, thriving in an internship with Hagar, or watching some of our boys have fun as they play in their weekly soccer competition. The 'whole journey' at Hagar is about hope, restoration and wholeness and we are thankful to have been part of this journey here in Phnom Penh. 

We are packing up our belongings and have started saying goodbye to our colleagues, friends and the city that we have called home...for now. Logan has taken up a role as Hagar’s Chief Marketing Officer in 2013 and will do this from New Zealand, traveling back a few times. I will finish up some projects on a part-time basis for Hagar from New Zealand and am also looking for other work. We are excited that we can continue to serve Hagar even though we are leaving Cambodia. Our hearts have been captured by this work and our clients, so Hagar won't be getting rid of us anytime soon ;)

The wonderful experience we have had is due in large part to the beautiful and inspiring people we work with at Hagar, in Phnom Penh and elsewhere, and that we have met during our time here. We have been blessed by you and appreciate you all very much - thank you for your friendship. 

This week we leave Phnom Penh to visit some good friends in Kolkata and Europe and we will be back in New Zealand in February. We are very thankful for this time to spend time with friends, process, and holiday together before we head home. It's with some sadness that we leave but we look forward to what's ahead for us as well.

Michael and Wei - culinary expertise much appreciated
Sokla our tuktuk driver :)
I guess that's it from us for now! Thank you for reading our blog, for your financial support, your prayers and emails over the last year.

We look forward to seeing you real soon. Merry Christmas! We pray you know God's peace and love over this special season.

- Logan and Karen
Kiwi mates Katy and Sam - enjoyed some good meals and chats here!

Some of the Hagar crew at our farewell BBQ 
The Sues - these women are simply amazing! And it's just nice having other Kiwis around :)
Merry and John - wish we met you earlier! Fun times exploring PP's good food

Lovely ladies Kari and Trudy - and their other halves not pictured here but not forgotten :)

Catherine Sherrod - the Phnom Penh oracle and only fitting I include a picture of us at Brown cafe :)

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