Sunday 26 February 2012

Our Prayer

The future is shaped by the decisions we make right now. 

We have recently chosen to volunteer with HAGAR International, in Phnom Penh, Cambodia to join the fight against human trafficking. Our hope is that through this time, we will know more of who God is - His love, character and how he works in a broken world, and that this will empower us to truly live a life of love that is of value to him.

This is our prayer...

Lord, we chose to be available to you - please give us wisdom. Help us to choose to live life in a way that brings your kingdom in a tangible way to earth, and hope to the people you have chosen for us to serve.

Our hope is that our time at HAGAR will be of value to you, to the Hagar staff and that we can be effective within the Hagar community. Help us to gain a true perspective of what this world looks like through your eyes and beyond our western, privileged, slightly skewed lens. Help us to be grateful for what we have, and to know what to give. 

We know you want to take us to places we've never been before - to hard places that can’t help but move us and shape us, altering the path of our life. Help us to make those difficult, sacrificial decisions that may cost us our comfort, that may not make sense, but will result in your grace being known. Decisions that can change the direction of our life and others, closer to how you intended it to be.

Away from safe, closer to obedience...  partnering with you to bring freedom and justice.  

Help us to keep choosing you, as we know you have chosen us.